Buy Shimmering Images

After interacting with thousands of writers through college teaching, speaking Shimmering Images Coverengagements, and workshops, Lisa understood the reason people didn’t write their stories: They simply didn’t know how to begin.

Every writing book on the market told them what they should do to create a story, but few offered instruction on how to do it.

With that in mind, Lisa wrote down the techniques she had for years used to help writers get their memories onto the page in story form.

Library Journal found Shimmering Images “hard to put down.”

“Only slightly over 100 pages, it (Shimmering Images) gets right to the point about the process of crafting a memoir. Norton’s goal is to teach lay writers her own method of writing compassionate and arresting personal memoir. Her instruction focuses on the titular concept of “shimmering images”—memories of blazing detail, many only a moment or two in real time, which are embedded in the mind from childhood forward. Norton first outlines the steps for conjuring these images and capturing them on paper. She then follows with simple instruction for selecting, organizing, and unifying the images. Norton’s writing is friendly and refreshingly spare, with most chapters only a few pages long.”

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