
Crafting Believable Characters

Crafting Believable Characters

I’m finally settling in to my Santa Fe life, and loving it. As I unpack boxes each day I think about the manuscript I am working on and it mixes in with the manuscripts I read and edit for my clients—wonderful, brave stories of people…

A Writing Life—In transition

A Writing Life—In transition

  I’m back in my home in Santa Fe following my teaching gig at the Yale conference. (Here’s the view from my front door the first morning I woke up in my house!) And now I am getting on to the business of being a…

Memoir at Yale University

Memoir at Yale University

What a heady week it was. My class on Memoir Writing at Yale was so big it overflowed the assigned room and we had to move across the street to an auditorium: Sudler Auditorium in Harkness Hall which is very near Sterling Memorial Library, the main library on the Yale campus.

For six days, each morning, I stood on stage and shared my passion for the art and craft of memoir along with its hidden and remarkable transformative power, for both the writer and the reader. We talked about “shimmering images”—key memories that form the spine of a book-length piece of narrative nonfiction; inherited stories—the filters through which we interpret our memories; reflective voice—the key to depth and complexity of voice in memoir; and structure. With the latter we focused on linear and modular structures. Students from Africa,  Europe, and across America attended.

After class I had time to attend only a small sampling of my colleagues’ classes: screenwriting with Linda Bergman; personal transformation with Jan Phillips; and Melissa Rosati’s brilliantly clear and insightful class covering the emerging landscape of publishing, including marketing in the new world of social media.

There simply wasn’t time to take in all that was available—from craft classes in fiction, poetry, journal writing, the essay, nature writing . The list goes on and on.

To chill out I walked the campus and shot images of architectural details that captured my attention or scenes that evoked pleasure. I’ve included some here.

If you are a woman who writes or wants to write, don’t miss the 35th annual International Women’s Writing Guild conference next year.

50 Things to Know About Memoir

50 Things to Know About Memoir

“Shimmering Images” is a guide on how to write your memoir. Here are 50 things to know about memoir and the book. Memoir is storytelling. Storytelling is art. Memoir is art. There’s a reason memoirs by newsmakers and celebrities top bestseller lists and capture the…

Teaching Memoir at Yale

Teaching Memoir at Yale

Later this month I’ll be on the faculty of the International Women’s Writing Guild (IWWG) 34th annual summer conference beginning June 24 on the campus of Yale University: The Guild’s goal is, “personal and professional empowerment of women through writing,” and it draws women…

Writing Memoir: The Book

Writing Memoir: The Book

Here’s my summer writing desk at the cabin in the Sandhills.

I’ve had time to turn back to my new book. You know what that’s like—life often gets in the way. I’m writing about love and inheritance and playing with modular and linear structures in this new book.

Are you familiar with modular structure? It’s like a collage where you piece together separate, yet related, chunks of writing that create a meaningful juxtapositions and move the story forward. Very freeing to work with. Modular structure is often non-linear, and that is, of course, how many of us think.

Friends at the Ranch

Friends at the Ranch

My head is swimming with houses. I’ve looked at so many potential homes in and around Santa Fe, I can hardly think. Ever had real estate overload? When I get back to the ranch where I am staying, I have friends to greet me. Here…

Home again in Santa Fe

Home again in Santa Fe

After a year of travels through Europe and repeated treks across the U.S., I have come home to Santa Fe. The elegance of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains holds me in its palm. I have many stories to write, and I am eager to settle.…

Greetings from Prague

Greetings from Prague


Five hours via train and express bus operated by Deutsche Bahn Railways and I was in Prague. A quick weekend dash to the East from the Village of Schwaebisch Hall where I have been submerged in German. Sometimes I can not keep my sentences straight in my journal. A perfectly fine English thought comes out half German. My professors would be pleased . . . . But in Prague all that study was useless. It was like falling into a fairy tale and discovering everyone speaks some fantastic language the key to which is just beyond reach. And then, as if in dream, I awoke again in Deutschland less than twenty-four hours later jostling along on a train, raindrops trailing down a darkened window.

Photos posted November 13, 2010



















































































The Goethe Institute

The Goethe Institute

Schwaebisch Hall—November 11, 2010 It’s the end of my first week of an Intensive German Language course at the Goethe Institute in Schwaebisch Hall, Germany. Those years of college language courses creep back into consciousness. Grammar flows onto the page, but still I stand in…